For Members
OHSC Web-Meetings( Zoom)
Beginning in 2020, the web-meeting recordings are now available in lieu of meeting minutes. OHSC Web- Meeting 2024-2025
october 17 2024
Meeting recording LINK: GMT20241017 193410 Recording 1920x1080 Guest Meeting Presentation Youth Engagement in the Y-VAPE and Teens Talk Vaping Presenters: Dr. Laura Struik, Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia Okanagan and Nominated Principal Investigator of the EPAV project. Dr. Kendra Nelson Ferguson, Research Scientist at Western University and Scientific Manager and Co-Investigator of the EPAV project. December 5 2024
February 20 2025
OHSC Web-Meetings 2023-2024October 19 2023
Meeting recording & Links Ophea – Healthy Schools Certification Healthy Schools Certification – FAQ’s PHE Canada, National Healthy Schools Standards LINK You Tube Video: October Meeting Recording November 30 2023
Meeting recording and materials February 22 2024
Meeting recording & Presentation OHSC Web-Meetings 2022-23October 14, 2022
Meeting Minutes & Presentations November 24, 2022
Meeting Recording Link and Presentations School Mental Health Ontario - Presentation Strong Minds Strong Kids - Presentation Link to Meeting Recording February 23, 2023
Meeting Recording Link and information Link to Meeting Recording Links shared during the meeting: Ophea Blue Jays Foundation Presentation LINK OHSC 2021-2022 Web-Meetings
october 21 Meeting Recording - You Tube
November 25 Web-Meeting Zoom Recording
LINK - ZOOM meeting OHSC Web-meetings 2020-2021October 22 2020 Meeting recording
December 10 2020 Meeting Recording
Meeting Presentation: Offord Centre for Child Studies; Presentation Dr. Andrea Gonzalez: Presentation included the Ontario Parent Survey findings and results. This survey focused on collecting population-level data to better understand how Ontario families are coping with the COVID-19 pandemic Meeting Recording: LINK March 4 2021 Meeting recording
LINK: Web-Meeting Recording JUne 3 2021 Meeting Recording - You Tube
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![]() OHSC Communications
The LISTSERV (an email- based mailing list) serves as the primary OHSC communication tool to our members;
NOTE: email contact information is uploaded into the LISTSERV through OHSC 2024 membership If you want to contribute something to the LISTSERV or the newsletter, email us at [email protected]. Content can include:

Wellbeing is Essential to Learning
The new Canadian Healthy School Standards have just been released! These Standards can help empower schools to become Healthy Schools and address a range of priorities through one proven approach.
Use the Standards to catalyze leadership and action on:
The Standards and related tools are available at Get familiar with the Standards this summer, reflect on how you can kickstart action from within your role, join the conversation on Twitter @cdnschoolhealth, and join other school communities as we come together to transform learning spaces!
Let’s work together to make every school in Canada a Healthy School.
The new Canadian Healthy School Standards have just been released! These Standards can help empower schools to become Healthy Schools and address a range of priorities through one proven approach.
Use the Standards to catalyze leadership and action on:
- Elevating student and staff wellbeing
- Increasing student success
- Acting on truth and reconciliation
- Embedding equity, diversity and inclusion
- Engaging school communities to move from one-off health-related activities towards a comprehensive, system-wide approach to creating an environment that supports wellbeing
The Standards and related tools are available at Get familiar with the Standards this summer, reflect on how you can kickstart action from within your role, join the conversation on Twitter @cdnschoolhealth, and join other school communities as we come together to transform learning spaces!
Let’s work together to make every school in Canada a Healthy School.
The Global Recess Alliance
A newly formed group of scholars, health professionals, and education leaders, argues that attention to recess during school reopening is essential. Recess is the only unstructured time in the school day that provides space for children’s physical, social and emotional development, which are essential for well-being and learning.
When schools reopen, children will need space to heal from their collective trauma.
Recess Planning for School Re-opening
Dr. Lauren McNamara, a member of the Ontario Healthy Schools Coalition, is a key figure in the development of the Global Recess Alliance. This recently formed group of scholars, health professionals, and education leaders, argues that attention to recess during school reopening is essential. Recess is the only unstructured time in the school day that provides space for children’s physical, social and emotional development, which are essential for well-being and learning. When schools reopen, children will need space to heal from their collective trauma.
Lauren and others have shared their expertise to provide answers and concrete strategies for a recess that not only works under the current circumstances, but paves the way for a fundamental shift in the way schools approach recess.
Read and share ... Statement on Recess
Learn More: Kids will need recess more than ever ...
A newly formed group of scholars, health professionals, and education leaders, argues that attention to recess during school reopening is essential. Recess is the only unstructured time in the school day that provides space for children’s physical, social and emotional development, which are essential for well-being and learning.
When schools reopen, children will need space to heal from their collective trauma.
Recess Planning for School Re-opening
Dr. Lauren McNamara, a member of the Ontario Healthy Schools Coalition, is a key figure in the development of the Global Recess Alliance. This recently formed group of scholars, health professionals, and education leaders, argues that attention to recess during school reopening is essential. Recess is the only unstructured time in the school day that provides space for children’s physical, social and emotional development, which are essential for well-being and learning. When schools reopen, children will need space to heal from their collective trauma.
Lauren and others have shared their expertise to provide answers and concrete strategies for a recess that not only works under the current circumstances, but paves the way for a fundamental shift in the way schools approach recess.
Read and share ... Statement on Recess
Learn More: Kids will need recess more than ever ...